
The promiscuity, according to the dictionaries, is the act in that haven several sexual partner, being into or outside of marriage; the word come of the latins roots "pro" (to favour of) and "miscuus" (mixing), then, is the person to favour of the mixing.
For the society in general, is adverse to the chastity and purity; although have been recently influenced for psicologic movements and some social movements, being accepted so much for adults young as for adolescents. biologity, is a beaviour of high risk, already that the persons that move in this field, are in general more easy target for diseases of sexual transmission. from the psicology (the current than not support), see as a act impulsive, of inmaturity and the weakness of the wish with respect to the desire treat.


La promiscuidad, segun los diccionarios, es el acto en que se tienen varias parejas sexuales, sea dentro o fuera del matrimonio; la palabra proviene de las raices latinas "pro" (a favor de) y "miscuus" (mezcla), o sea, es la persona a favor de la mezcla.
Para la sociedad en general, es adverso a la castidad y la pureza; aunque ha sido influenciado ultimamente por corrientes psicologicas y algunos movimientos sociales, siendo aceptado tanto por jovenes adultos como por adolescentes.
Biologicamente hablando, es una conducta de alto riesgo, ya que las personas que se mueven en este ambito, son en general blancos mas faciles para enfermedades de transmision sexual.
Desde la psicologia (las corrientes que no la apoyan), se ve como un acto impulsivo, de inmadurez y la debilidad de la voluntad en cuanto a los deseos se trata.